When you have a baby you get what you get. When you are adopted you are chosen.
Thrill seekers will pay to ride with race car drivers, mountain climbers, deep sea divers, sky divers, and pro athletes. They will ride un-seen through new micro-technology. A hundred or more will experience what only one person experiences now. They will see, taste, feel, and smell the exhilaration while sitting on the sofa.
At the end of the day you are a little closer to your destiny. You may determine the speed at which you get there but every day that goes by gets you closer. There is comfort it that because we all will have bad days. It’s great to get through them, and get them out of the way. Learn from bad days. Bad days teach more than good days.
Poverty is very destructive. Pride can be just as destructive if not more so. The root cause of many wars and violence is pride. The American Civil War was fought for many reasons but the root cause was pride. The most susceptible to the downfall of pride are those come out of poverty. Stay out of either ditch by remaining humble. Pride and poverty are ugly. Humility is beautiful. More money is not the solution.
You were married a long time. Your spouse is gone because of either divorce or death. There is a empty hole in your heart. You need to talk about it but so far no one understands.
First don’t make any major changes go six months. It takes time to process grief. People process in different ways. Crying is one of the best ways. Write down your thoughts. Start with minor changes. Try a new haircut. Buy some new clothes. Go someplace you have never been to. Don’t isolate but don’t try too hard to meet new people. There is a new day coming in your future.
It’s amazing how brilliant my parents were until I was twelve years old. Then they didn’t know how to talk or dress. They didn’t know what to spend money on or what was good on television. But when I was about 30 years old my father and mother began to gain wisdom. They became so wise that I began asking advice. We even became friends.