“Business can learn a lot from agriculture”
“Don’t prune old trees the same way as young ones.”
“Sometimes a big limb has to go to give young shoots some light.”
“Prune for a while and then step back and take a break, lest you go too far.”
“Pruning can look ugly but the end result is vibrant and healthy.
“Technology is a game changer.”
“If you don’t remove rocks out of the field when you first plow, they will be a problem from now on.”
“Don’t plant too late or the harvest won’t be in time.”
“Purchase the best seed money can buy, it’s not an extra expense but an investment.”
“God can water a lot better than you can.”
“Too much water is just as bad as not enough.”
“The best farm hand is a partner.”
“Not all clouds have rain in them.”
“It’s an art to know when to stop gathering information and make a decision.”