Even for a conservative it is wrong for 85 people to have 50% of the wealth of this earth. There are millions of people who are hungry and do not have shelter. We must be on the right side of every issue no matter what our politics are.
Poverty is very destructive. Pride can be just as destructive if not more so. The root cause of many wars and violence is pride. The American Civil War was fought for many reasons but the root cause was pride. The most susceptible to the downfall of pride are those come out of poverty. Stay out of either ditch by remaining humble. Pride and poverty are ugly. Humility is beautiful. More money is not the solution.
Treasure -For-Eternity
” No matter what your politics are get on the high side of each issue.”
“Stand by and watch the media eat their own.”
“Every industry has a culture and they are not the same.”
“If you are looking you will see God everywhere.”
“Many people with perfect eyes are blind.”
“Birth is supernatural.”